Privacy Policy

In this Privacy Policy, we want to inform all members affiliated with Tennis Belgium, participants in activities, customers, individuals showing interest in our federation’s activities, and members of ‘Tennis en Padel Vlaanderen’ and ‘Tennis Padel Wallonie-Bruxelles’ whose data is processed for ranking purposes, about the data we collect and how we handle personal information.

Identity and contact details of the data controller

This privacy policy applies to all personal data processed by the Royal Belgian Tennis Federation, with its registered office at Louizapoortgalerij 203 box 3, 1050 Brussels, with company number 0406.697.145, which is the data controller of this website. 

The Royal Belgian Tennis Federation attaches great importance to your privacy and processes your personal data in accordance with the European Regulation 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data (hereinafter “GDPR”) as well as any future or additional legislation in implementation thereof, where applicable.

This entails that:

  • we will only process your personal data in accordance with the purpose for which they were provided; these purposes and types of personal data are described in this Privacy Policy;
  • the processing of your personal data is limited to only those data that are necessary for the purposes for which they are processed;
  • we will ask for your explicit consent for any processing not covered by a legal obligation, contractual basis, or legitimate interest in relation to the purpose for which they were provided;
  • the personal data will not be kept longer than strictly necessary;
  • we have taken appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of your personal data;
  • we do not disclose personal data to other parties unless necessary for the execution of the purposes for which they were provided;
  • we are aware of your rights regarding your personal data, want to point these out to you, and respect them.

For further questions or comments regarding the way we handle your personal data, you can always contact us, either by email at, by phone at 02/548.03.00, or by post to the following address:

Royal Belgian Tennis Federation (GDPR-Privacy Service)
Louizapoortgalerij 203 box 3
1050 Brussels
Our DPO – Mr. Franklin ( – can be reached via the same email address with the specification ‘attention DPO’.

What does “processing personal data” mean?

Processing personal data includes any processing of data that can identify you as a natural person. You can read about the data involved in this Privacy Policy. The term ‘processing’ is very broad and includes, among other things, collecting, storing, using your data, or sharing it with third parties.

What data do we process?

Below, we clarify which data we may process from you. Depending on the specific situation, your preferences, and the way you contact us, we do not process all the data listed below from you.


We process the following data from our members:

  • General identification data (name, first name, gender, title);
  • Unique membership number;
  • Company-related data insofar as these data may lead to the identification of a natural person;
  • Account data (unique membership number, email address, password);
  • General contact details (name, first name, address, email address, phone number);
  • Tennis and padel data: competition and/or test results, ranking and rankings, tennis handicap R or VE, registrations, club affiliations, and transfers;
  • Financial data, e.g., payments, account numbers…
  • Feedback, testimonials, and promotional content such as photos and videos;
  • In the context of talent development: special personal data such as medical data (injuries, illnesses, …).

Suppliers – service providers

In the context of cooperation with our suppliers and service providers, we process the following personal data from them:

  • General identification data (name, first name, title, date of birth, nationality…);
  • General contact details (email address, address, phone number…);
  • Company-related data to the extent that it is possible to identify a natural person based on that data;
  • Account data;
  • Contractual data (e.g., address, VAT number, agreement, quotes, etc.);
  • Payment and invoicing data (e.g., invoices, etc.);
  • Feedback, testimonials, quotes, promotional content (e.g., reviews and experiences related to our cooperation, testimonials, quotes, presence at events, etc.).

Candidate employees

We may process the following additional data from candidate employees. This will largely depend on which data you wish to provide to us in the context of your application.

  • General identification data (name, first name, title, …);
  • General contact details (name, first name, email address, address, phone number, …);
  • Personal particulars;
  • Work-related data;
  • Personality data;
  • Photos

Website visitors

We may process the following data from visitors to our website

  • IP address, browser type, location data, how the individual came to the website, interests, and how the individual navigates through the web page (via strictly necessary, analytical, and marketing cookies).

For what purposes do we process your data?

Your personal data are processed by the Royal Belgian Tennis Federation for the following purposes (and legal grounds):

  • Identification of our members, maintaining a membership administration, and providing services to the members (legal obligation);
  • Ensuring the members for Personal Accidents and Civil Liability (legal obligation);
  • Informing about and inviting to the tennis and padel offer tailored to your needs (legal obligation);
  • Organizing official competitions, training of coaches, and other activities (legal obligation);
  • Registering competition results and calculating the ranking and/or ranking of the members (legitimate interest);
  • Detecting and monitoring talents (legitimate interest);
  • Organizing sports training and preparation (legitimate interest);
  • Promoting our activities, querying our members (legitimate interest for members, consent for non-members);
  • Conducting market research and statistics for future sports policy (legal obligation);
  • Obtaining recognition and subsidies from the government (legal obligation);
  • Recruitment procedure for employees (legal obligation or consent);
  • Compliance with other administrative and tax obligations (legal obligation).

We only process personal data of minors (persons under 16 years of age) if consent has been given by the parent or legal representative. In case of disagreement, reasonable efforts will be made to verify this consent.

The Royal Belgian Tennis Federation also reserves the right to take general photographs during activities falling under our jurisdiction and to publish them through our channels. The persons concerned have the right to object in writing.

On what processing grounds do we process your data?

We process your data for the purposes described below and collect and process no more and no other types of data than those necessary for these purposes.

We process your data only to the extent based on one of the processing grounds listed in the GDPR, as outlined below.

Legal obligation

Certain data are processed by us to comply with legal or regulatory obligations imposed on us. For example, in the context of tax and accounting obligations or in the field of data protection.

Necessary for the performance of the contract

Certain data are processed by us because it is necessary for the conclusion, performance, or termination of a contract with you as the data subject. For example, for contacting, scheduling, responding to a request, or requesting information in the context of entering into a contractual relationship, but also the actual execution of the contractual assignment in the context of our main activity, in order to provide you with our services or to receive them from you.

Legitimate interest

We process certain data because it is necessary for our legitimate interests or those of a third party, such as the exercise and protection of our rights and freedom to conduct business. For example, we process data for the purpose of promoting our activities, performing market research, or compiling statistics.


If the processing does not fall within the scope of one of the above processing grounds, we will ask for your explicit consent before processing your personal data. For example, in the context of recruitment or if we wish to process data for promotional purposes, we will always ask for your consent. You can always withdraw your consent without any obligation.

Origin of the data


Most of the data we process from you have been obtained directly from you. Within the framework of our services, it is possible that we obtain data from you via external service providers or public sources.

With whom do we share your data?


We do not disclose your data to third parties unless strictly necessary in light of the purposes mentioned above or if we are legally obliged to do so.

Where necessary, we rely on external service providers (processors) to support our operational purposes such as managing our websites and IT systems. These external service providers may perform certain data processing on our behalf. We will only share your data with these external service providers to the extent necessary for the respective purpose. The data may not be used by them for other purposes. Moreover, these service providers are contractually bound to ensure the confidentiality of your data through a “data processing agreement” concluded with these parties.

Specifically, this means that we share your data, as relevant to your situation, with the following third parties for the following purposes, where these third parties may act as processors on our behalf:

  • Processors assisting us in IT matters in operating our organization, with a view to safe and efficient digital data management within our organization;
  • Internet environment (web hosting);
  • Member, competition, and court reservation administration (database);
  • Newsletters and invitations (mail platform);
  • Calculation of your ranking and rankings.
  • Payment service providers if we receive payments from you, or vice versa;
  • Government bodies, judicial authorities, and regulated professionals such as accountants and lawyers, for compliance with our legal obligations and defense of our interests, as required.

In connection with the organization of competitions by clubs affiliated with Tennis en Padel Vlaanderen or Tennis Padel Wallonie Bruxelles, your personal data may be shared with these clubs. The shared personal data is limited to what is strictly necessary for the good organization of the competitions.

Furthermore, we do not disclose the data provided by you to third parties unless it is legally required and permitted (e.g., Sport Vlaanderen, ADEPS, police, judiciary, etc.) or in the context of cooperation within the described purposes of the association. If we wish to share personal data with third parties outside the described purposes of the association, we will request your written consent. We do not provide personal data to parties located outside the EU.

For completeness, we note that personal data may be communicated to the Disciplinary Body of the Royal Belgian Tennis Federation in the event of a disciplinary procedure. A decision of the Disciplinary Body is published on the Tennis Belgium website without mentioning personal data of the individuals involved. The sharing of personal data following a decision of the Disciplinary Body will only take place if required by law or justified to ensure the proper conduct of the competitions.

We never disclose personal data to other parties with whom we have not concluded a data processing agreement or checked the GDPR compliance of the relevant entity. These data processing agreements include the necessary arrangements to ensure the security of your personal data.

In order to shape our sport in general and our competitions in particular, the sports data of your membership (competition results, ranking, etc.) including name and date of birth (to be sufficiently distinctive), and the necessary contact details, are made available in a closed database to a limited internal group of authorized persons (via password) and for the benefit of the tennis community (parents, grandparents, trade press, etc.) on the website (the latter without mentioning contact details).

The specific functions and contact details of official trainers, officials, interclub coordinators and captains, and club and federation executives are also made available in this closed database and web environment.

For how long do we keep your data?


Your data are kept by the Royal Belgian Tennis Federation for a period that is necessary in the light of the purposes of the processing, as mentioned above. The exact period of time will depend on the nature of the data and the purposes for which they are processed. As a general rule, we will retain your data for as long as you are a member or maintain a contractual relationship with us or until the statute of limitations for any legal claims that may arise from this contract has expired.

Where do we store your data and how is it protected?


We implement appropriate security measures at the technical and organizational levels to prevent, within the framework of our activities, the destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized access, or unlawful disclosure to third parties, as well as any other unauthorized processing of this data.

To this end, we have taken the following security measures:

  • Username and password policy on all our systems;
  • Encryption of personal data, Firewall, and Patch Management;
  • Backups to restore personal data in case of physical or technical incidents;
  • Our employees are informed about the importance of protecting personal data;
  • All persons who, on behalf of the Royal Belgian Tennis Federation, may have access to your data are obliged to comply with the applicable laws and regulations, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR);
  • We regularly test and evaluate our measures.

In addition, we also ensure that the processors we rely on also implement appropriate security measures to minimize the risks of incidents as much as possible.

If your data is processed outside the European Economic Area (EEA) when using specific services or software tools, this will only be done in/to countries for which the European Commission has confirmed that they guarantee an adequate level of protection for your data, or measures will be taken to ensure the lawful processing of your data in these third countries.

What are your rights?


You have various rights concerning the data we process from you. If you wish to exercise a right regarding the protection of your personal data or if you have a question regarding these rights, you can always contact the DPO of Tennis Belgium via email: or via the contact details included in the first title of this Privacy Policy.

Right of access and copy

You have the right to request what personal data Tennis Belgium has about you. You have the right to access your data and obtain a copy thereof. This right also includes the possibility to request further information regarding the processing of your data, including the categories of data processed about you and for what purposes this is done.

As a member, you can always check certain personal data that Tennis Belgium has on or and, if necessary, make corrections to this personal data yourself.

Right of adjustment or rectification

You have the right to have your data corrected if you believe that we have incorrect data.

Right to data erasure (right to be forgotten)

You have the right to request that we erase your data without undue delay. However, we will not always be able to comply with such a request, especially when we still need the data in connection with an ongoing agreement or when retaining certain of your data for a certain period is legally required.

Right to restriction of processing

You have the right to restrict the processing of your data. In this way, the processing will be temporarily suspended until, for example, there is certainty about its accuracy.

Right to withdraw your consent

If the processing is based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw this consent at any time by contacting us. For marketing messages you receive from us via email based on your consent, you can easily withdraw this consent by clicking on the unsubscribe link at the bottom of such a message.

Withdrawing your consent does not affect the validity of the processing that took place before the withdrawal.

Right to object

You have the right to object to the processing of your data based on legitimate interests. This must be done on the basis of specific reasons related to your situation. You can also object to the use of your data for direct marketing purposes. Marketing messages by email will always provide an opt-out option. When personal data is processed on the basis of a legal obligation, your request cannot be complied with.

Automated decision-making

You have the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing that produces legal effects concerning you or similarly significantly affects you. Tennis Belgium does not use such automated decision-making.

Right to data portability

You have the right to obtain your data that you have provided to us yourself with your consent or in performance of an agreement, in electronic form. This way, they can easily be transferred to another organization. You also have the right to request us to transfer your data directly to another organization, if this is technically possible.

Right to lodge a complaint with your supervisory authority

If you believe that we are processing your data incorrectly, you always have the right to lodge a complaint with your data protection supervisory authority.

Belgian Data Protection Authority (GBA)
Drukpersstraat 35
1000 Brussels

How can you exercise your rights?


You can exercise your rights by contacting us, either by email to or by post to the Royal Belgian Tennis Federation (GDPR-privacy service), Louizapoortgalerij 203 bus 3, 1050 Brussels, enclosing a copy of the front of your identity card or another document that can identify you. The copy will only be used to identify you in accordance with the GDPR.



We reserve the right to change this Privacy Policy. The most recent version is always available on our websites. The date on which this Privacy Policy was last modified can be found at the top. In case of a substantial change to the Privacy Policy, we will inform the individuals who may be affected by this change as directly as possible.